Low Income Discount program

The Low Income Discount is a program that pays a percentage of a qualified customer’s bill. Depending on income level, a customer can qualify for a certain tier level. Both residential heating and non-heating customers are eligible for the Low Income Discount Credit. Only residential heating customers are eligible for additional grants through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and the North Shore Gas Share the Warmth program.

Tier and income level
(Federal Poverty Level)
North Shore Gas
(Discount applied to bill)
Tier 1: 0% to 50% FPL 79%
Tier 2: 51% to 100% FPL 60%
Tier 3: 101% to 150% FPL 36%
Tier 4: 151% to 200% FPL 12%
Tier 5: Up to 300% FPL 5%

How to qualify

For Tiers 1-4, customers should go to the Community Action Partnership of Lake County website or call 847-249-4330.

Applicants must submit:

  • Proof of household income or any financial assistance for the past 30 days for all members of the household over age 18;
  • Your current residential heating bill;
  • Proof of Social Security numbers for all household members;
  • A medical eligibility card for any member of your household receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF); and
  • Your rental agreement, in cases where utilities are included in the rent.

For Tier 5, customers must be eligible for the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) by meeting one of the following Average Median Income (AMI) levels and apply online.

Household Size 80% AMI
1 $58,350
2 $66,700
3 $75,050
4 $83,350
5 $90,050
6 $96,700
7 $103,400
8 $110,050

For more information, go to the CEJA website or apply using the form.

Customers on the Low Income Discount program can receive financial assistance

Eligible customers should continue to apply for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and North Shore Gas Share the Warmth Program at the Community Action Partnership of Lake County website or call 847-249-4330. Customers can receive grants as well as be on the Low Income Discount program.

How customers stay on the program

Each year, eligible customers should continue to apply for financial assistance at the Community Action Partnership of Lake County. Eligible customers will automatically be signed up for the Low Income Discount program.

How the Low Income Discount is funded

A line item on customers’ bills, Low Income Discount Adjustment, pays for the program. This monthly charge appears on all bills, whether you are on the program or not.